ZMUD721里面应该慎用#WA 命令。
今天实在是被721折磨的够戗了,我开始仔细看它的help文件。自己英文不咋样,勉强看个大概。 发现里面的 #WA 命令的说明,明显和462,555 里面的不一样。自己英文不好,就不翻译了。大家凑合看下吧。WAIT
Syntax: #WA
Delays processing of further commands on the line until text is received from the MUD.Sometimes commands from zMUD can be executed too fast for the MUD.This command is used to slow them down.
If the time parameter is specified, the processing of further commands on the line is delayed the amount of time specified.Time is in units of milliseconds - e.g. 1000 is 1 second.Note that the commands remaining on the line are queued up for this time.You can still enter other commands on the command line while waiting.
NOTE: The WAIT command can cause processing of any other active WAIT command to halt.Do not use nested WAIT commands.Do not use the WAIT command in a trigger if the same trigger might fire again before the WAIT is complete.In general, you should try to use the #ALARM command instead of using #WAIT.
WAIT examples
west;#WA;kill citizen
sends the west command to the MUD, then waits for some output from the MUD, then sends the kill citizen command.Without the #WA command, on some MUDs the kill citizen would be sent before you actually moved west.
#WA 2000;kill citizen
wait for 2 seconds, then send the kill citizen command to the MUD
#LOOP 10 {kill %{i}.bear;#WAIT 5000}
sends the commands "kill 1.bear", "kill 2.bear", "kill 3.bear", etc, but with a 5 second delay between each "kill" command.
这里面尤其是,NOTE 这段,太让人意外了。大家在721里面慎重使用WA命令吧。721 “智能化”的有点过头了。。。 如果按照 462 ,555里面的方法使用WA,很可能让721出现 “假卡死” 的问题。而ALARM 建的最小时间单位是0.5 秒,很多场合不够用。
我终于明白好多朋友选择mush的原因了。。。 不管哪个ZMUD,都不支持常人能理解的#loop内#wa
[ 本帖最后由 bluse 于 2011-5-17 04:17 PM 编辑 ] 原帖由 bluse 于 2011-5-17 04:16 PM 发表
家熊给个例子好吗?谢谢了。 刚来北侠时想同时挂两个武当新手任务zmud721机器人,然后发现总是卡死,找来找去找到#wa上面,还以为是721的bug,原来文档里写的这么清楚。。。没文化真可怕 ttk_01 里盟在熟神木啊?不懂不懂ttk_09 果断用462吧大家 原帖由 zgbl 于 2011-5-17 08:42 PM 发表
462是真的不错。如果能多支持一点功能就更好了。 这里高手这么多,有没有人反编译一下462,解决它的hp问题。出个自己版本的?
回复 7楼 的帖子
hp问题不严重,除非你一两秒就hp一次,不然没问题的 没事看HP那么频繁干啥。。。 原帖由 diskid 于 2011-5-17 10:05 PM 发表没事看HP那么频繁干啥。。。
那啥,那啥, happy啊,简称hp。。。