tianm 发表于 2010-12-18 17:50:33


开始艰苦卓著的啃英文版生活ttk_01 yct13 yct46

tianm 发表于 2010-12-19 01:13:09

Ptahhotep ceases speaking, and for a long time we look into each other's eyes. I understand a lot that he doesn't want to say ... but I still have another question: 'Father of my soul, is there a special reason why all pyramids are built in the same form? Why aren't they built in a cubic shape, for example, like other buildings?'

Ptahhotep smiles: 'Not in cubic form? But the pyramids are built in cubic form! But I'll have to explain that to you next time. You've had enough today.'


frankli 发表于 2010-12-19 04:57:43

Ptahhotep淫笑道:不是方形?这些金字塔他娘的就是方形的!但是老子只能 下一次解释给你这个白痴听了。他娘的你今天知道的够多了。

tianm 发表于 2010-12-19 09:27:46

原帖由 frankli 于 2010-12-19 04:57 AM 发表 http://www.pkuxkx.com/forum/images/common/back.gif
Ptahhotep闭上了他的嘴巴,我们长时间的互相对望着。我知道这厮不想再说点啥了,不过老子还是想知道点别的事情。老爹的灵魂啊,为啥金字塔他娘的都建成一个鸟样?他娘的就不能跟其它房子一样弄成别的样子,比如说方形 ...

yct46 yct46 yct46


frankli 发表于 2010-12-19 14:02:13


tianm 发表于 2010-12-20 00:18:40


'This law also contains the secret of the key number of the three- dimensional world: the number 7.

'Now try to imagine how the first energy of manifestation emerges out of the dimensionless state into the three dimensions. Close your eyes and I'll project this truth into your consciousness.'

I do as Ptahhotep tells me, closing my eyes and turning my attention inward. All of a sudden I see a point, and I hear Ptahhotep's voice:

'In order for a force to emerge from the dimensionless state and manifest itself, it needs a point of departure. A point is dimensionless, has not yet emergedfromunity,butisnecessaryformanifestation.Becauseapoint consists of only one single factor, it bears within itself the number of unity, the number 1.


frankli 发表于 2010-12-20 08:26:24


现在,努力去幻想初夜,不,最初的的能量从无定形状态中他妈的显现出来,进入3p,不,三维状态。 闭上你的眼睛,老子就要和你开始神交了。


我们需要一个分开的点让那个力能从无定形状态中自己显现出来。 无定形态的点还没有从整体中显现出来,毋庸置疑,这玩意对于意识的显现非常重要。 因为,这个点只有一个因素组成,那就是数字1。

yct43 yct42

safeguard 发表于 2010-12-20 09:22:29


tianm 发表于 2010-12-20 10:35:36


ups 发表于 2010-12-20 10:37:55

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