I still remembered clearly that it was a boring weekend and I surfed in the Internet as usual. "Nothing new", I told myself. Suddenly, an idea stuck me. Why not tried the MUD since I had noting to do? Then I began to search a qualified MUD. The answer to my question is PKUXKX and that's the reason why I'm here now. In the past four 4 months, I devote most of my free time to the game and I do enjoy playing it. To begin with, I wandered lonely as a cloud for I didn't know any other players. I almost gave up because I don't know how to play! To my surprise, many players helped me. for example, guodalu , religiose, niro, bluecmy, pds, wellcomee, tianyue, cjbd, pixyew xiaogai and lots of others warm-hearted players. Hereby, I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart! The MUD really took a great amount of my time, so perhaps one day I will quit because now I begin to feel boring and tired. So much for my bullshiting. Nevertheless, I'll try my best to play "Tyhn" and I hope all of you can help me like before. Here comes my ID focus- a 10M ID
【 精神 】 2881 / 2881 [100%] 【 精力 】 10377 / 5877 (+ 0)
【 气血 】 4661 / 4712 [100%] 【 内力 】 5941 / 5941 (+ 0)
【 食物 】 1176 / 320 [很饱] 【 潜能 】 21694
【 饮水 】 1172 / 320 [很饱] 【 经验 】 10032801
【 剑 狂 】华山派剑侠「淑质贞亮 英才卓跞」卓尔不群(Focus)
膂力:[ 65] 悟性:[ 97] 根骨:[ 70] 身法:[ 56]
福缘:[ 34] 容貌:[ 33] 灵性:[ 33]
你是华山派第十八代弟子, 你的师父是风清扬。
<精> ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
<气> ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
攻击 平平淡淡 (+0) 躲闪 神乎其技 招架 技冠群雄 (+1)
杀 气: 正常
银行存款: 二千四百九十五两黄金七十六两白银九十四文铜板
道 德: 15260461
潜 能: 21694
实战经验: 10032801
等 级: 二十四
师门忠诚: 2064
江湖声望: 510017
┌ 三项知识 ──────────────────────┐
│ 读书写字 (literate) - 深不可测 500/ 191│
│ 医 术 (medical-skill) - 深不可测 411/ 0│
│ 驭 兽 术 (training) - 新学乍用 18/ 0│
┌ 八项基本功夫 ──────────────────────┐
│ 基本刀法 (blade) - 精深奥妙 446/ 0│
│ 基本拳法 (cuff) - 驾轻就熟 208/ 6087│
│ 基本轻功 (dodge) - 精深奥妙 446/ 19│
│ 基本内功 (force) - 精深奥妙 446/ 0│
│ 基本硬功 (iron-cloth) - 精深奥妙 446/ 0│
│ 基本招架 (parry) - 精深奥妙 446/ 8│
│ 基本掌法 (strike) - 一代宗师 435/ 0│
│ 基本剑法 (sword) - 精深奥妙 446/ 15│
┌ 九项特殊功夫 ──────────────────────┐
│□独孤九剑 (dugu-jiujian) - 精深奥妙 446/ 0│
│ 华山剑法 (huashan-jianfa) - 一代宗师 442/ 534│
│□华山内功 (huashan-neigong) - 十二重楼 380/ 22│
│□华山身法 (huashan-shenfa) - 精深奥妙 446/ 0│
│□胡家刀法 (hujia-daofa) - 勉勉强强 50/ 0│
│□混元掌 (hunyuan-zhang) - 一代宗师 434/ 2464│
│ 九阴神功 (jiuyin-shengong) - 第八重楼 234/ 16515│
│□劈石破玉拳 (poyu-quan) - 马马虎虎 159/ 1523│
│ 紫霞神功 (zixia-shengong) - 第七重楼 217/ 0│
└────────────────────────────────┘ |